Difficult and Happy from a Blogger » Fuad Compi Net berbagi informasi yang didukung oleh Masfim dot Com. Being a blogger is a byproduct of my routine in addition to a student. There are a lot of joy and grief that I faced my first was a student a distance of tens of kilometers from the residence to the campus.
There is also a unique story with my side of this activity. In addition to the many praise by people around who might be because I produce income that is not too much time and just spend a few hours at the computer.
Besides that I also sometimes get less pleasant things such as someone who kept pressing me to hasten or even say something that is not good. Because of this I have ever experienced as well. There may be some reason they do so, but is it worth it done first is a virtual world activities.
So it is not uncommon at this time I was getting bored with the routine of being a blogger who sometimes very boring. But besides that sometimes I contemplate all the income from which would be able to if I had off from this blogger world. It pomegranate also have to think about two things ..